Forgotten Women: Rebuilding Lives

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Its a wonderful website and very open for any assistance.  If you contribute to many others, as we all do, please share this with anyone in the UK.  If we all sent $10, this would be a huge contribution as every dollar counts.  Based in the UK, this is an active group of women helping women.

We envision a world where every human being is given the opportunity to live a life free from abuse, poverty and humiliation. A world in which everyone is free to preserve their health, well-being and economic independence.

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In many areas of the world, women are the backbone of society. It is they who nurture and provide the stability in a family, promoting and instilling social cohesion in the wider community. More often than not, they are the rock in times of conflict and crisis, but tragically women are also amongst the most vulnerable in society.

Forgotten Women endeavours to help women who have suffered injustice, hardship and neglect whether it is due to war, natural disasters or poverty. Our objective is to offer women the opportunity to develop their independence and protect their dignity. Every woman deserves the right to live a safe, happy life and with your support we can make that a reality for all.

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Forgotten Women’s primary focus to date has been on providing relief to the women who have been affected by the catastrophic Syrian civil war. We are now aiming to tackle emergencies and disasters as they arise in other countries.

Our approach is needs based and we align our delivery accordingly.

Our current list of countries are as follows: Somalia, Sudan, Malawi, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh