Sixty Years of Christmasses....

Take a moment to go back in time to remember some of your Christmas experiences - we have had Sixty of them! What are your most memorable? I have spent my Christmases in both warm and very cold temperatures, mostly with family. A different experience due to either being indoors or out. At a recent Meet Up I listened to some amusing and also sad occasions but of course we have all had them.

So what are we doing this Christmas? We have two choices…'Why Bother?' or 'Make it one to remember…'

I believe we still need to create the stories in our lives, if not we live without purpose and when life becomes effortless, days are same same and this is no good for the soul.

Whether you are on your own or not, here are some suggestions to make this Christmas one to remember and if you do most of them, Christmas won’t be long enough!

1. Stay in your Christmas pyjamas all day and read a book or watch a movie or three - from breakfast to bedtime!! This is a privilege for many.


2. Soak in the bath with lots of indulgence ie salts, smells, oils - or take a longer shower.

3. Go online and give to a Charity as an act of giving uplifts the mindset and be sure to write to the organiser sharing some great thoughts about her/his efforts.

4. Put up a few festive decorations and play some great music as this boosts your mood and releases neurotransmitters which makes you feel fabulous!

5. FaceTime or Zoom someone special.


6. Wear some colourful clothes and put on make up - do your hair.

7. Dance - like crazy - follow moves on youtube

8. Make yourself a festive cocktail - or two!

9. Cook a special dish and set the table to compliment the festive season.


10. Walk a little, drive somewhere special - and take out wrapped pressies so the neighbours think you are going to a huge Christmas party!!

11. Wrap up pressies for the neighbours and put them outside their door - from Santa. And one for yourself!


12. Book one night in a hotel and indulge in the comfort, using all the complimentary amenities of course!

13. Volunteer at a Charity lunch to help give out the food.

14. Visit a hospital and take some chocolate to hand out.


15. Visit a church or cathedral and sit in the peaceful atmosphere while you look around to wonder how everyone else is coping with Christmas.

Have the most wonderful day!


Chris Vidal