Women in the Military

I came across Wikipedia’s article about Women in the Military which I want to share with you. It is fascinating looking into the past and the way different countries approach to include women in the military. I hope you find time to connect and read the full article.

Women have served in the military in many different roles in various jurisdictions throughout history. Women in many countries are no longer excluded from some types of combat mission such as piloting, mechanics and infantry officer. Since 1914, in western militaries, women have served in greater numbers and more diverse roles than before. In the 1970s, most western armies began allowing women to serve in active duty in all military branches.  In 2006, eight countries (China, Eritrea, Israel, Libya, Malaysia, North Korea, Peru and Taiwan) conscripted women into military service. In 2013, Norway became the first NATO country to draft women, as well as the first country in the world to conscript women on the same formal terms as men. In 2017, neighboring Sweden followed suit and in 2018, the Netherlands joined this line-up (although in the Netherlands there is no active peacetime conscription).

In 2018, only two countries conscripted women and men on the same formal conditions: Norway and Sweden. A few other countries have laws allowing for the conscription of women into their armed forces, however with some difference such as service exemptions, length of service, and more. In considering the above facts, Nigeria Army in 2021 deployed 300 female soldiers to secure kaduna-Abuja express way.