Have We Become Complacent at Sixty?


Complacency is a sneaky thing, mainly because it starts off with a positive feeling. You may have just done something phenomenal, reached a significant goal, or simply arrived at the age of Sixty!  Understandably, you take some time to revel in the “not doing” that comes after an accomplishment; that period of self-satisfaction and celebration.  

In our Sixties we are either still working at what we have been doing for years - a comfortable situation.  Or, we have retired and adjusted to a slower pace.  But for how long?  I believe that our Sixties is a time between our fifties and seventies for us, not to slow down but on the contrary, to accelerate and enjoy the challenges of life while we have energy and determination.  There is still so much more to accomplish!

And by this, I don’t mean extreme tasks but the everyday ‘To Do List’ that keeps you on your toes and prevents you from that slow, lazy ‘I’m Sixty and can’t’ stage as the path to not bothering can happen faster than you think!  But what happens if you don’t come out of the haze of success? You move on, of course, but without the same sense of urgency, without the drive and the tenacity that helped you achieve your big win in the first place. You start to lose your focus, your direction.


Then, you wake up one morning and realize you missed out on a huge opportunity; you are unbelievably bored with your work; or you no longer have any idea where you’re going, friends are short in supply or even where you want to go. You became complacent, and it’s starting to kill your passion.

So, what can you do to battle complacency, or to snap yourself out of it when you suspect it might be starting to set up camp in your life? Here are some ideas to rekindle your passion.


Make a List of Your Successes

One of the best ways to get motivated is to look back at some of your biggest accomplishments. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start jotting down some of the things you have done that you are most proud of.  This is what I do in ‘My Circle of Life’ Link) and it is amazing to realise how competent we are! I know, this sounds an awful lot like tooting your own horn. Well, that’s because it is. But it’s also a great way to remind yourself what you’re capable of and start to build some confidence that can lead to action.

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Set a New Goal

Goal setting is not something you should only do to ring in the New Year. Goals are not resolutions but that’s an entirely different topic. The truth is, the most successful goals are those that you take time to set and then revisit frequently to make sure you’re on track. I have now made it a morning ritual as to what I want to accomplish each day.  It is so much more realistic and achievable and at the end of the day, the tick offs in my To Do List (link) is most satisfying.  It is as simple as listing a walk (3 kms), to phone someone, meet someone new, successfully not eat for 10 hours (following TheFast800 by Michael Mosley), reading so many pages of a book etc.  I do this as I tend to forget a lot more and this keeps me on track.   Complacency is conquered by small steps and keeps us motivated. 


Aim for Exceptional

Want to know who Complacency’s best friend is? Let me introduce you to Mediocrity. Together, these two are brutal. This is how it works: you become complacent then, you force yourself to do the bare minimum to skate by. Enter Mediocrity. Well, now you’re in the cycle — you have no motivation or passion for what you’re doing so you keep just doing the least amount of work, putting in the least amount of effort, just to get it done.

Do you want to know how to break the cycle? It’s simple. Take one task or project and commit to going above and beyond, shattering expectations and getting it done exceptionally well. This is what is going to happen. You’re going to complete that project with 110% effort and you’re going to feel good, darn good, when it’s done. In fact, you’re going to feel so good that it rolls into the next project, and the next. And before you know it, you’re just killing it all the time. That doesn’t sound so bad now, does it? 


Offer Invitations

The trick to all of this is being able to see complacency before it completely takes over, and understand that the kryptonite to complacency is simply DOING. If you’re doing something to move forward, you’re doing what it takes to end complacency.  I don’t think we invite others to join us enough.  The joy of receiving an invitation is enormous and if we simply throw them out there, its amazing how many will take you up on it - whatever it may be.  Invite someone to walk with you, go to the art gallery or meet for coffee.  It is the simple first steps which give you the zest to move on.  And remember, not all are going to work out well but thats the challenge - keep going.

Feed Your Soul

Get out there and be part of something bigger than you. Compliancy flies out the window! Listen to Jane Fonda’s latest talk on finding her true meaning in life, it is inspiring. Our Seventies decade is just ahead, ensure you are in top form to create your pathway and for that, you need to start now….enjoy!