A Tiny Home: It's My Home
I have a home to call my own, its the most precious thing I own. But the thought of not having one, as so many women don’t, is a scary reality. But then, there are solutions and quite lovely ones too. Reading this trial in Seattle suggests the solutions are there and easily created. Read on…..
Tiny House Villages in Seattle: An Efficient Response to Our Homelessness Crisis
Tiny houses in Seattle
An article describing the success of Tiny House Villages in Seattle, which has led the country in piloting this response to the homelessness crisis. There are now 10 tiny house villages located throughout Seattle on government, private, nonprofit, and church-owned properties.
https://www.oldertenants.org.au/resource-themes/tiny-houses Can the popularity of tiny homes provide a solution for older women facing homelessness?
The number of women over the age of 55 experiencing housing stress and homelessness is rising in Australia, but the increasing interest in tiny homes may provide a viable solution for these women. Now moves are afoot on the NSW mid-north coast to establish a tiny home village, specifically for older women
In Australia in 2020, 405,000 women aged forty-five years and over were estimated to be at risk of homelessness. This number includes 165,000 women aged 45-55 years and 240,000 women aged 55 years and over (Faulkner & Lester, 2020).
Julie Collins who is the MP for Women, Housing and Homelessness.
A Design Guide for Older Women’s Housing addresses a gap in research that considers older women’s housing needs through an architectural perspective and is focused on the importance of placing women at the centre of the design process by involving them in conversations about housing types and spatial arrangements.
The guide reveals design strategies that address older women’s health and wellbeing, a sense of belonging and social connection, and the importance of being provided with the choice about whether to participate. It also looks at spaces for pets and connections to outdoor areas.
As a practical document, the guide recognises that older women’s situations continually change; they do not stagnate. Design that addresses the needs of older women can have long-term benefits on their health, well-being, and outlook, which dramatically increases the investment's social value.
The design guide is organised around nine design principles – listed below – each addressing a specific place or room within a dwelling. Download the guide for components and strategies for applying each principle to different housing types.
Welcome to Tiny Homes Foundation – solving homelessness one tiny home at a time
Tiny Homes Foundation is a not for profit organisation dedicated to providing socially, environmentally and economically sustainable affordable housing solutions.
Our pilot tiny home project in Gosford, NSW is an Australian first based on a "Housing-first" principles that prioritises housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and then wraps around additional supports and services as needed.
Completed in May 2018, our pilot project has proved a most worthy alternative to homelessness for disadvantaged youth. Tenants have maintained their tenancies, their mental health has improved and they have engaged in education and employment.
Our partners, Pacific Link Housing and Coast Shelter, are continually impressed by the successful outcomes of the project and strongly advocate for more similar projects that bridge the gap between crisis accommodation and private rental. Our tiny homes have empowered residents to gain independent living skills so they can confidently transition.
A door has opened to a national conversation prioritising meaningful collaborations between landowners, social housing providers and NFP developers to jointly grow affordable housing stock and diversity – we look forward to being instrumental in this conversation.
To learn more, watch our story unfold: www.tinyhomesfoundation.org.au
Little Banjo by Little Byron
Australian Tiny Home builders are: www.tinyhouse.com.au