Etiquette Creates Self Respect

In our Sixties many question our worth, are we visible and do we matter…. Oh yes we do, but the good old fashioned rules of etiquette will allow us to stand out from the crowd.

Three things will happen:

  • People will start to look at you differently;

  • You will start to value yourself more;

  • Kindness to other people will bring kindness back to you.

Most importantly – you will notice how good it feels to have principles and self-respecting rules to live by.

Etiquette is defined as an “unwritten code of behaviors, designed to ease social interactions in both our personal and business lives”. Simply speaking, people refer to etiquette rules to know how they should behave in a particular situation in order to avoid misconceptions and to feel more adequate to the social setting. Here are some interesting rules:

1. Be Punctual

Being on time is one of those common-sense etiquette rules but lately, people seem to forget this. When you arrive late at a meeting or event, you promote a negative perception of your personality and suggest that you do not value the event at all.

Don’t forget that people spend their time and energy creating that event or party, and the last thing everyone can do is to show a little respect and show up on time. Set a lady rule and be that high-class lady who is never late (well, unless it’s a first date… in that case, it’s a good idea to be 5-10 minutes late).

2. Keep Your Word

I mean, Game Of Thrones has been telling this from season one… Remember? “A Lannister always pays his debts”. Debts or promises – doesn’t matter – when it comes to lady rules of high-class women, keeping your word is essential. And if you can’t keep a promise, then it’s better to not promise at all.


3. Be Gracious

A true lady stands out by being gracious. A queen of all lady rules is to always treat others in the way you expect to be treated. Look to be kind and generous, behave in a positive manner with those around you. Of course, don’t let anyone step on your head too – if someone is treating you badly, there is no need to “be okay” with it. Setting healthy personal boundaries is also a sign of a classy lady who knows her values and her worth.

4. Say ‘Thank You’

This should have been lady rule number 1, right? Having manners and learning etiquette always starts with saying ‘thank you’. People constantly put effort into something that affects you and it’s a beautiful rule to thank them for even the smallest things they’ve done for you. And write a thank you note, handwritten and posted or given directly. You may be one of few still doing this!

5. Try To Look Adequate To The Setting

Overdressing, wearing too much makeup, or wearing too many jewelry pieces can make you look like you’re trying too hard to impress. But a high-class lady doesn’t need to prove her worth to anyone – she knows she is worthy already. If you value yourself, you can easily look your best by wearing adequate clothing, well-trimmed nails, and just the right amount of accessories. Less is always more. Plus, it’s a safe way to look elegant and not overdone on any occasion.


6. Put Your Smartphone Down

The tendency to keep your phone close has kind of transformed into a habit. Checking social media, e-mails, apps, and news – those things are important, but they should have their own time and place. It’s quite an offensive habit if you do this around others. This will say a lot about you, including the fact that you value people more than a piece of technology.

“Wait, but what if my friends are doing this to me? What if they are using their smartphones all the time, even when we’re having a conversation?”

I know, it’s rude! In that case, you can ask them if they are bored with you, or if something very important happened that they’re required to use their phone. Usually, this question is enough to signal them that you’re a little disappointed or feel unimportant. If they care about you, they will put their phones down.

7. Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol

Having fun, meeting with friends, or going to all sorts of social events is completely fine. I personally love of glass of dry red wine here and there. But the lady rule here is to remember that there’s a line you should never cross. You know what I’m talking about… Getting completely wasted makes you look like you disrespect yourself a lot. Drink as much as you need to have a little fun, but not as much for you to start talking nonsense or stagger around the room.

8. Be Attentive To Those Around You (And Yourself)

We’re rarely alone – we’re constantly around other people. Be a high class lady by respecting yourself, other people, and your surroundings: don’t interrupt conversations, don’t leave your dishes unwashed if you’re living with a roommate (I know, I know, they need to soak), don’t focus only on yourself, and pay attention to everyone and everything around you. Make sure you’re not making anyone uncomfortable with your behavior.

At the same time, don’t forget that YOU are important too. In fact, you’re the most important person and it should not sound selfish. Taking care of your own well-being is just as important because if you forget to help yourself, you won’t be able to help others. You will simply lack physical and emotional energy.

10. Eat Elegantly

Okay, I’m not going to talk about hundreds of different spoons and forks you should know of (I don’t know them either, but if you’re interested, it’s always a good idea to learn more about formal table etiquette). However, there are a few fundamental lady rules (perfectly fitting for men too) I recommend memorizing. They’re just as important in modern times as they were important in the past.